Are you familiar with all the TIME syntax in Workday Adaptive Planning? Do you know what is the best practice for each of them? This blog post will tell you the difference between them.
Below are the most common TIME syntax in Adaptive Planning.
- Month(this)
- Versionmonth(this) – returns the
- This.year.positionof(this.month)
- This.version.positionof(this.month)
In the following example, this instance has a custom calendar which is from July – June. The example is created using Month as the stratum. The same logics are applied to Quarter and Year.
- In July 2021, Month(this) returns the month in the standard calendar, which is month 7. This syntax also assumes that July is from July 1st to July 31st. For example, if 7/30/2021 in a custom calendar is actually a date in Aug 2021, then versionmonth(July-2021) and versionmonth(Aug-2021) will return the same number. This same situation also applies to Versionmonth(this).
- Versionmonth(this) returns the month of the version, which also follows the standard calendar and assumes July is from July 1st to July 31st.
- This.year.positionof(this.month) returns the fiscal month of the year, which is month 1 for July-2021. This syntax references the custom calendar. For example, if 7/30/2021 in a custom calendar is actually a date in Aug 2021, then This.year.positionof(this.month) returns month 2 in the year, which is Aug 2021. Same situation applies to This.version.positionof(this.month).
- This.version.positionof(this.month) returns the month in the version since the Start of Version. In this case, the Start of Version is July 2021, therefore it is month 1 in the version.
Other use cases and helpful formulas related to time.
Personnel Sheet:
- For Headcount calculation that has a Custom Calendar and Start Date before the system date
- this.Year.positionof(this.Month) – correct result, but shown as RED (error) on Income Statement because the date is outside of the system date.
- versionmonth(this) – might result in incorrect result due to date overlaps in two months.
- Use iff(ROW.PartialHeadcount>0, 1,0) as a workaround.
- Cumulative Salary
- Standard calendar:
iff(month(this)>1, ROW.Salary+ROW.CumulativeSalary[time=this-1], ROW.Salary)
- Customized calendar:
iff(this.Year.positionof(this.Month)>1,ROW.Salary+ROW.CumulativeSalary[time=this-1], ROW.Salary)
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Workday Adaptive Planning Tips & Tricks: Flexible Planning
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