IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: Excel MAXIFS and MINIFS
Many of you know that Excel’s MAX function will define the largest value within a range. And many of you also know that Excel’s SUMIFS function will allow you to merge IF checks into your sum formulas. But did you know that…
July 12, 2022
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: Excel CubeDimensionCountGet Function
Have you ever written a TurboIntegrator process and needed to know how many dimensions are in a specific cube? Maybe you want to loop through each dimension to create a zero out view. You can do this by using the TABDIM function…
June 21, 2022
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: Excel’s XMATCH Function
Have you ever wanted to search a list and define the position where it appears in the list? Maybe you want to know how many sales reps exceeded their quota or want to define how many products cost more than an approved purchase…
May 17, 2022
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: Excel Workbook Stats
Have you ever wanted to know details about your existing worksheet or workbook such as the number of cells that contain data or the number of total sheets? In 2021, Microsoft Excel introduced a feature called Workbook Statistics that will provide details about…
May 3, 2022
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: Unhide Multiple Excel Sheets
As you know, an Excel workbook can consist of multiple sheets. There are many instances where you may want to hide some of the sheets. It’s very fast and easy to hide sheets, but Excel historically allowed you to unhide only one sheet at…
April 5, 2022
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: Stacked Rows in PAx
Have you ever converted a stacked Perspectives view into a Dynamic report? If so, you may have noticed the way Excel formats the outside of your stack. For example, if I use the Active Form button to send the following view to…
March 8, 2022
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: Excel OFFSET Function
Have you ever wanted to reference a cell based on its placement compared to another cell? Maybe you want to create a formula where each cell looks at the value 2 columns to the right or maybe you want to compare a…
February 22, 2022
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: PAx – Rebuild Book vs Recreate Book
Are you familiar with the difference between the “Rebuild Book” button and the “Recreate Book” button in IBM Planning Analytics for Excel (PAx)? Both buttons are used to update the rows which appear on your Dynamic Reports and both buttons refresh the…
February 15, 2022
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: The SCAN Function
Have you ever needed to parse data by looking for a specific character within your source records? Maybe you want to filter an employee’s last name from a “Lazarow, Lee” or maybe you want to define the year from “12/25/2021”. All of…