IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: Creating Charts in Planning Analytics Workspace
Charts can be an incredibly powerful tool for communicating complex data in an accessible and visually appealing way. In the world of enterprise planning, IBM Planning Analytics provides users with the ability to create detailed and informative charts through its workspace interface,…
July 18, 2023
Annual Planning Versus Continuous Planning
This is a blog post from our partner Workday Adaptive Planning. Bob Hansen of Workday explains how the switch to continuous planning makes organizations more agile, proactive and successful. A common measure of business success is growth. Because if you’re not growing,…
July 14, 2023
Financial Close & Consolidation
The Evolving Role of the Modern CFO
This is a guest post from Christine Peart, CFO at our partner, Fluence Technologies. Christine discusses the how the roles of CFO and the Finance team are changing. Recently, there has been a realization that the finance team is in an ideal…
July 13, 2023
Financial Close & Consolidation
The Power of Technology in Recruiting and Retaining Finance and Accounting Talent
This blog post is based on a white paper from our partner BlackLine. In today's competitive business landscape, recruiting and retaining top finance and accounting talent is a priority for organizations striving for success. However, the labor and skills shortage, compounded by…
July 6, 2023
Professional Services Firms Need Future-Ready Forecasting
This is an excerpt from a blog post from our partner Workday Adaptive Planning. It highlights some approaches for professional services firms to keep up with the breakneck pace of work. Professional services firms don’t have the luxury of gradually adjusting to…
June 29, 2023
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: Headcount Analysis
Did you miss our recent webinar on headcount analysis? Here’s a high-level recap of what we covered. In short, IBM Planning Analytics is a powerful, flexible tool for headcount analysis. Headcount analysis is a critical component of any organization's workforce planning and…
June 27, 2023
Enterprise Planning Helps Professional Services Firms Adapt to Changes
Professional services firms make money based on the number of hours they service clients. These companies need to have many consultants with desirable skills as billable as possible. They also have to have enough resources available to start new projects as soon…
June 23, 2023
Financial Close & Consolidation
Are your Accountants Quitting?
This is a guest post from our partner BlackLine, examining the drivers behind the mass exodus in accounting roles. Like everything else in accounting, the numbers tell the story. The profession is experiencing a steep decline in qualified personnel, as many trained…
June 22, 2023
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: Waterfall Charts
Did you miss our webinar on waterfall charts in IBM Planning Analytics? Here’s our take on best practices and how and why to use waterfall charts. Waterfall charts, also known as bridge charts, floating column charts, or cascade charts, are a data…