What Does Revelwood Do?
When you think of consumer companies, you might only think of them in terms of their flagship product or service. Coca-Cola sells soft drinks. McDonald’s sells hamburgers. Uber provides ride shares for people. Those companies actually do more than just what they…
August 12, 2021
Planning in Workday Adaptive Planning
In this demonstration, we explain how to do Planning in Workday Adaptive Planning. Workday Adaptive Planning is used by companies of all sizes, across all industries, for annual budgeting, monthly forecasting, what-if scenario planning and more. Watch this video to learn how…
August 11, 2021

IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: PAW Lines vs Area for Multiple Elements
A line chart is typically used to show values over time. This type of chart is great to see trends with your data. An area chart is also used to show values over time and is sometimes referenced as a line chart…
August 10, 2021

FP&A Done Right: Overcoming Obstacles to Collaboration in the Office of Finance
This is a guest blog post from our partner Workday Adaptive Planning, highlighting how to better improve collaboration in the Office of Finance. As the role of CFO continues to become more strategic and collaborative, CFOs are expecting their teams to follow…
August 6, 2021

IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: Code Char
Have you ever written a TurboIntegrator script and wanted to check the first character of a value to see if it was a number or a letter? Have you ever needed to insert a single or double quote into a string without “breaking”…
August 3, 2021

IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: Depreciation
P&L planning models consist of a variety of inputs, including revenue planning and various forms of expense planning. In addition to these standards, we are often asked to develop other planning components. One of these components entails a depreciation process, which leads to…
July 27, 2021

FP&A Done Right: 3 Ways to Improve Collaboration with Colleagues Outside of Finance
This is a guest blog post from our partner Workday Adaptive Planning, explaining how to improve collaboration between the Office of Finance and business managers. Many companies suffer from poor communication and collaboration between financial and nonfinancial managers. Operating managers don’t have sufficient…
July 23, 2021

IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: Scatter Chart vs Bubble Chart
A scatter chart is used to show relationships within your data. This type of chart is great to see patterns and groupings over a large set of values. A bubble chart is also used to show relationships and it also great to see patterns. So…
July 20, 2021

Workday Adaptive Planning CFO Indicator Survey 2020: The Path to Finance Digital Transformation
Workday Adaptive Planning’s CFO Indicator Survey 2020: Finance Digital Transformation defines digital transformation as “the implementation and use of digital technologies such as the cloud, machine learning and augmented analytics, for finance processes to improve efficacy, insight and agility.” The Case for…