IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: Planning Analytics Workspace Tab Icons
Have you ever created an IBM Planning Analytics Workspace (PAW) book and wanted to include images within each tab? PAW version 57 introduced settings that allow you to control details about the tabs. Some of these settings allow you to insert icons into the…
June 15, 2021

IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: Accessing Books
Did you know that there are now two ways to access books in IBM Planning Analytics Workspace (PAW)? Previously, you could access books via the “Shared", “Personal”, and “Users” folders in the bottom section of the home page. This option still…
June 8, 2021

Understanding xP&A – Extended Planning & Analysis
Extended Planning and Analysis (xP&A) is an enterprise planning strategy that combines and extends financial and operational planning. According to Gartner, “Taking the ‘F’ out of FP&A offers cross-organization leaders an ‘extended,’ holistic view of their company’s operations, so that they can…
June 7, 2021

FP&A Done Right: Volatile Business Conditions Require Agile Planning
This is a guest blog post from our partner Workday Adaptive Planning, explaining how to lay the groundwork for business agility. Manual, spreadsheet-based planning may have worked well enough in a more predictable age. But today? Not so much. Volatile conditions demand a…
June 4, 2021

IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: PAW Tab Colors
Have you ever created an IBM Planning Analytics Workspace (PAW) book and wanted to have more control over the look of the tabs? PAW version 57 introduced many settings that allow you to control formatting details about the tabs. These details include settings that…
June 1, 2021

IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: Making Assets Accessible to Applications and Plans
When creating Applications and Plans in IBM Planning Analytics Workspace (PAW), PAW views, PAW books, and websheets can be assigned to guide each step of the business process. These objects are collectively called “Assets." Although these objects are available from PAW books, they…
May 25, 2021

FP&A Done Right: Accurate Forecasting = Insightful Decisions
This is a guest blog post from our partner Workday Adaptive Planning, explaining how great financial forecasts can guide business strategy. If 2020 taught CFOs anything, it’s that they need well-executed financial forecasts and models from their FP&A team. Accurate forecasts help finance leaders…
May 21, 2021

IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: Axis Labels
Have you ever created a chart in IBM Planning Analytics Workspace (PAW) and wanted to change the angle which the labels appear? PAW version 57 has introduced a setting which allows you to control the labels in much greater detail. This is done…
May 18, 2021

IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: Feeding Using Cube Values
Feeders are one of the best ways to maximize the performance of rules. Essentially, feeders define where to perform calculations to better handle sparsity in a cube. There are many ways to reference feeder elements. One of these ways is by using…