IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: The CellValueN Formula
Rules in IBM Planning Analytics allow you to reference components of a cube as part of your formula … either from the cube you are currently in or from another cube. This is done via the use of the DB function. The…
May 19, 2020

IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: Max Number of ELSEIF
Most of you know the concept of an IF statement within TurboIntegrator IF (expression); statement1;ENDIF; … and most of you also know the concept of nested-IF statements IF (expression); statement1;ELSEIF (expression); statement2;ENDIF; … and most of you also know the concept of…
May 12, 2020

Tech Bulletin: New IBM Planning Analytics Features for 2020
IBM introduces new features for Planning Analytics in releases throughout the year. We publish IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks on these features every Tuesday in our Knowledge Center. If you would like to receive these in your inbox every Tuesday, you…
May 11, 2020

FP&A Done Right: The Office of Finance in the COVID-19 Economy
Three months ago, we could not have imagined life as it is today. We’re experiencing an economic slowdown that none of us have seen before. Not a single industry is immune from the impact of the U.S. and other countries sheltering-in. Many…
May 8, 2020

IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: New Excel Feature – Map Charts
One of the new features in Excel is the ability to create Map Charts to compare values and show categories across geographical regions. If you have your own set of data to use skip to step 3. Otherwise, we can accomplish this…
May 5, 2020

FP&A Done Right: Traditional Budgeting is a Challenge
This is a guest blog post from our partner Workday Adaptive Planning, written by Gary Cokins. Cokins explains why traditional budgeting is no longer adequate for most companies. Traditional budgeting is simply too slow and too rigid to keep up with today’s…
May 1, 2020

IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: Sparklines
Are you familiar with Sparklines, a rarely used feature in Excel? What happens when you’d like to provide a visual representation of data but don’t necessarily want, or have the space, for a big chart? Sparklines may be a viable solution. To…
April 28, 2020

IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: Bulk Load Template for Cubes with Indices
Do you have cubes in your IBM Planning Analytics (PA) model that allow for planning with line item detail? The struggle you may come across in creating a template in Excel that automatically loads to the next available line is that such…
April 21, 2020

FP&A Done Right: Spreadsheets are Outdated
This is a guest blog post from our partner Workday Adaptive Planning, written by Adaptive Insights’ Founder Rob Hull. It was originally published on FEI Daily. The global marketplace is moving faster, requiring companies to be more agile than ever in this…