IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: Excel’s CONCAT and TEXTJOIN Functions
Microsoft Excel has recently introduced a new version of the CONCATENATE function called CONCAT. The purpose is similar in that the new function still combines text from multiple ranges and/or strings. CONCAT will eventually replace CONCATENATE, but Microsoft has not released plans…
February 4, 2020

Workday Adaptive Planning Tips & Tricks
Adaptive Insights Tips & Tricks: Alternate Time Tree
Have you ever wanted to have an alternate time tree/ stratum rollup in Adaptive Insights? The current Adaptive Insight system only supports one stratum rollup and there is no “Time Attribute” available in the current system to group the different time periods…
January 29, 2020

IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: Reviewing Chores
In today’s IBM Planning Analytics video tutorial, our FP&A Technology Director, Lee Larazow, demonstrates PAW v 2.0.43’s new approach that allows you to easily review the chores that are associated with a specific process. Once you have mastered the techniques Lee explains…
January 28, 2020

IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: Excel’s IFS Function
While the IF function has been around for a while now, IFS is new to Excel. This function checks whether one or more conditions are met and then returns the value associated with the first TRUE condition. The main objective of IFS…
January 21, 2020

IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: Creating Buttons for TurboIntegrator Scripts
In today’s IBM Planning Analytics video tutorial, our FP&A Technical Director, Lee Lazarow, shows you how to easily create buttons for TurboIntegrator (TI) scripts. When you create buttons for your TI scripts, you simplify tasks for your end users and create a…
January 14, 2020

IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: Regions within Regions
A while back I wrote a blog post about using Regions within Planning Analytics rules. Regions allow you to make your rules easier to navigate and read when scrolling through many lines of code. But did you know that you can have…
January 7, 2020

FP&A Done Right: The Victors of the Decade Combine Agility and Resilience
As we near the end of the decade, it’s a good time to think back about what businesses have learned from an FP&A perspective, and how they can fortify and position themselves for the next decade and for future decades. The beginning…
December 20, 2019

IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: The New Planning Analytics Admin Approach
In our latest IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks video, Lee Lazarow, Revelwood’s FP&A Technology Director, shows you a new, single location in Planning Analytics where you can perform all your administrative tasks. This saves Planning Analytics admins time and simplifies your…
December 17, 2019

IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: Rule Timestamps
TM1’s print report wizard still exists in Perspectives and many clients continue to use this approach. I recently came across an issue where a client wanted to “burst” a report and include a time stamp on a report that is being snapshot…