IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: Snap Commands – Spelling
Did you know IBM Planning Analytics' snap commands can serve as a spellcheck for you? In today’s Twitter and text based world, misspellings (or abbreviations, as some people call them) have become a way of life. It’s virtually impossible to make it…
May 21, 2019

FP&A Done Right: Why, Why, Why, Why? – the Hallmark of a Great FP&A Practitioner
“Why?” “Why?” “Why?” “Why?” “Why?” It’s maddening, right? We’ve all been there. Every time you answer a question, another one is immediately fired back. Thankfully, my two sons have grown out of that stage. I, however, have not. If you were to ask…
May 17, 2019

IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: Snap Commands – Sorting
Did you know IBM Planning Analytics has snap commands that allow you to use natural language wording to perform simple tasks? One example of this entails the use of sorting data within a view. We can start with a simple view that…
May 14, 2019

IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: PAW Template Styles
Many of you know that Planning Analytics Workspace books allow you utilize templates, but did you know there is a difference between the options that show a solid frame vs. the options that show a dotted frame? Creating a new PAW book…
May 7, 2019

FP&A Done Right: How to Improve Cross-team Collaboration
This is a guest blog post from our partner Adaptive Insights. When it comes to business, collaboration is vital. After all, no single department can do its job for long without the other departments pulling their own weight. Sales is no good if shipping…
May 3, 2019

IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: PAW Calculations
Did you know IBM Planning Analytics offers more than one way to add calculations to your data? The great thing about using Planning Analytics within Excel is that you can add additional calculations to your data set to help you further analyze…
April 30, 2019

IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
Your Favorite TM1 Features Did Not Go Away
This is a guest blog post from Revelwood's Shane Bethea. TM1 customers worldwide are upgrading and migrating to IBM Planning Analytics. Regardless of where you are in your upgrade or migration process, there’s a very important point you should know: you will…
April 29, 2019

IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: PAW Cell Comments
Did you know IBM Planning Analytics Workspace allows you to add comments to your data set? During both planning and reporting cycles, many clients often ask how they can add comments into their data set. After all, the goal of a Planning…
April 23, 2019

FP&A Done Right: It’s Time for a Change
Change. /CHānj/ verb to make the form, nature, content, future course, etc., of (something) different from what it is or from what it would be if left aloneto transform or convert noun the act, process, or result of changinga transformation or modification; alteration…