In a previous blog, we defined how to convert an alias back to the original element name within a TurboIntegrator script. The DimensionElementPrincipalName function is only valid for TI scripts, so what happens if you need to perform the same logic in a rule?
You can convert an alias back to the Principal Name by using a combination of two functions: DIMIX and DIMNM.
The DIMIX function defines the index number of an element within a dimension. The syntax of the command is:
DIMIX (dimName, elementName)
The DIMNM function returns an element that corresponds to a specific index number. The syntax of the command is:
DIMNM (dimName, IndexNumber)
When combined, we can determine a principal name via the following approach:
- Determine the index number of the element using the alias value
- Look up the principal name via the index number from the first step
For example:
The following details exist in a dimension called Names:

DIMNM (‘Names’, DIMIX (‘Names’, ‘Johnny’)) will result in the value ‘John’
This is done by defining the index number of Johnny (index #1) and then using that value to define the principal name. This can be used in conjunction with rules in your model. If I have an input cell for a person’s name, then I don’t know if users will enter John or Johnny. I can therefore create logic to convert the input value back to the element name.
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