Did you know IBM Planning Analytics Workspace (PAW) update 57 introduced a new type of PAW book? This new type of book is called a “Modeling Book.” A modeling book can be created by selecting the “Data and Models” tile at the PAW home page.

This will launch a new modeling book as shown below.

You can also create a modeling book by saving a standard book as a modelling book.

One difference is when you create a modeling book, it will take you directly to your database objects (cubes, dimensions, etc.).

Another and more important difference is users will not see a modeling book within “Reports and Analysis” until it is saved as a standard book. This allows you build out books specifically for modelling (Editing/running TurboIntegrator scripts, editing rules, etc.) that are separate from standard books that are geared towards reporting, analysis, or input.
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Read more IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks:
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: Accessing Books
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: Making Assets Accessible to Applications and Plans
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: The Collect Feature in Planning Analytics Workspace