FP&A Done Right: What Prevents Business Agility
This is a guest blog post from our partner Workday Adaptive Planning, written by Gary Cokins. Cokins examines what business agility really means for the Office of Finance. There’s a lot of talk these days about business agility. Yet it’s much…
December 6, 2019

IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: Learn the Excel CELL Formula
Excel is, and always will be, a powerful tool for the financial team. With so much power, there are many great Excel formulas that rarely get used. I recently had a situation where I wanted to easily replicate a sheet and have…
December 3, 2019

IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: Trimming Picklists
Did you know that IBM Planning Analytics includes a feature that helps trim the list of choices in a picklist as you type? There are many different ways to create picklists in TM1/Planning Analytics and Revelwood has previously written about creating picklist…
November 26, 2019

FP&A Done Right: Are you Ready to Start Analyzing Differently?
This is a guest blog post from our partner Workday Adaptive Planning, written by Anders Lui-Lindberg. Lui-Lindberg’s blog post fits perfectly with our series’ theme of sharing insights on how the Office of Finance can change from traditional budgeting and “business as…
November 22, 2019

IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: Simplifying Dimension Maintenance
Watch our latest IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks video to learn how to simplify dimension maintenance in Planning Analytics. Once you master these easy techniques, you’ll be able to do all of your dimension maintenance from the Planning Analytics Workspace (PAW)…
November 19, 2019

IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: PAx Control Objects
IBM Planning Analytics uses cubes to store metadata information such as security and attribute information. These automatically generated cubes are called control cubes (which I sometimes call “squiggle cubes”) and begin with a prefix of a right curly brace. Server Explorer used…
November 12, 2019

IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: Learn How to Use the Pivoting and Selecting Shortcut
Our latest IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks tutorial video explains how and why you should use the pivoting and selecting shortcut. In this short video, Revelwood’s FP&A Technology Director, Lee Lazarow, demonstrates how to pivot in exploration and select an element…
November 5, 2019

The FP&A Alignment Gap and How to Avoid It
We buy new software solutions expecting that we made the best choice in technologies and service providers, and that we’ll get years of productive use out of them. And, we were right… at the time. Then, we ask ourselves, “Why are my users complaining…
October 31, 2019

IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: New Excel Feature – XLOOKUP
Did you know Excel has a new feature called XLOOKUP? For those of you who read these blogs regularly, you know that much of the focus is placed on IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks. However, I periodically also like to pass…