What the Heck is Cognitive Computing?
I’m often asked to define cognitive computing. Honestly, it’s not always easy to define. So first, let’s step back and take a look at the overall analytics landscape. Within analytics, you have descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive analytics. Descriptive analytics summarizes what happened.…
September 26, 2016
How will Brexit Impact your Financial Planning & Analysis
It’s been several weeks since the historic and disruptive Brexit vote, where the UK voted yes to a referendum deciding to leave the European Union. Stock markets around the world immediately had a knee-jerk reaction, and there has been speculation that banks—particularly…
August 23, 2016
Life Lessons Learned as an Intern at Revelwood
This is a guest blog post by Revelwood intern, Zachary Vinik. When I told friends and family that I was interning at an established business they all made jokes. “You are just going to organize papers and deliver coffee to everyone.” My…
August 16, 2016
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
Creating IBM Planning Analytics Workspace Content (Part 2)
This blog is intended to continue and build upon the previous blog How to Create IBM Planning Analytics Workspace Content. In this blog, I will provide an overview on building the remaining content (second and third row of visualizations) in the Dashboard…
August 1, 2016
IBM’s Cloud Strategy and How Revelwood Can Help
IBM is investing heavily in its analytics solutions, which means lots of things are changing for the better. At Revelwood, we see it as our job to help our clients interpret these changes to better understand how they might affect your organization…
July 14, 2016
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
QUBEdocs Streamlines TM1 Documentation
Understanding and documenting existing IBM® Cognos® TM1® models can be a time-consuming process. When making changes to complex models, it is challenging to fully understand the implications of these changes to ensure issues or inaccuracies won’t arise. Having made the changes, documentation…
June 24, 2016
Meet Alex Needham: Ridding the World of Inefficient Planning and Reporting
I started my career in the automotive industry. I started off as an intern and worked my way up to FP&A coordinator / assistant manager over five years. During this time, I realized how much time our Financial team wasted on horrifically…
June 1, 2016
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
Cash Flow Modeling with IBM TM1
As a senior consultant with Revelwood for nearly seven years, I’ve had the opportunity to design and develop a large number of TM1 models for various aspects of budgeting, planning and forecasting. Some client engagements are very straightforward – simply transition the…
March 15, 2016
Why Revelwood’s Professional Services Group is Different
This is a guest blog post by Revelwood's Lee Lazarow. Designing and developing successful business analytics applications requires a unique blend of skills; a team must understand both the nuances of the technology and the idiosyncrasies of business. We’ve built – and…