IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
Learn how to Create a Cube in IBM Planning Analytics
Our second video demo in our new series, How to Create a Cube in IBM Planning Analytics, shows you how to create a cube from dimensions. It builds on the first video in the series, which demonstrates three different methodologies to create…
August 15, 2019
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: Clearing All Data from a Cube
Did you know there may be several situations during development where you may want to clear all of the data from a specific cube? This could be due to a new process to reload data, a second round of user testing, or…
August 13, 2019
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
Revelwood Launches New Video Series – How to Create a Cube in IBM Planning Analytics
As part of our commitment to delivering educational resources to the IBM Planning Analytics community and the Office of Finance, we’ve just launched a new video demo series. Head over to our YouTube channel to watch the first of our three videos…
August 8, 2019
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: Financial Rules
Did you know one of the great things about Excel is that there are many built-in functions that calculate values associated with specific industries? One of these industries is the financial industry where Excel is sometimes used to calculate values associated with…
August 6, 2019
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: IFERROR
Did you know one of the great things about creating TM1 Web sheets is that you simply need to create an Excel sheet and then press a button called Publish? This will convert your Planning Analytics formulas into a web-based interface that…
July 30, 2019
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: Rule Concepts that are often Forgotten
Did you know that rules are used in TM1 to perform live calculations without the need for any manual intervention or on-demand scripts? This is a very powerful aspect of Planning Analytics and, when used properly, increase the value of the tool…
July 23, 2019
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: How to Manipulate Case Used for Text
Did you know IBM Planning Analytics rules can be used to manipulate the case used for text? There are rules to change values into both uppercase and lowercase. UPPER Converts an entire string to upper case UPPER(‘Lee Lazarow wrote this’) becomes LEE…
July 16, 2019
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: Ways to Stop a TI Process
Did you know there are two different ways to stop a TurboIntegrator script? The ProcessBreak command stops processing source data and proceeds directly to the Epilog. This approach allows you still run code in the Epilog that can perform tasks such as…
July 9, 2019
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: Ways to Skip a Record Using a TI Process
Did you know there are two different ways to skip specific records when you are running TurboIntegrator scripts? ItemSkip is used to skip a specific record. This is often nested within an IF statement and used when you want to simply ignore…