IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks- Creating Dynamic, Attractive Views and Dashboards
Did you know IBM Planning Analytics Workspace (PAW) allows you to create dynamic, attractive views and dashboards? With the vast number of stylistic options available, there are a few key tips that can be used to create a fluid user experience. Use…
November 1, 2017
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
Tips & Tricks for using IBM Planning Analytics – Creating TM1/Planning Analytics Picklist Cubes
This is a guest blog post by Revelwood’s Shane Bethea. Did you know Picklists can be used in TM1/Planning Analytics to allow your users to pick values from a predefined, non-changing list of values? These can be setup as a static list…
October 16, 2017
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics: Using the full power of MDX
Many of you know that MDX can be used in your current IBM Cognos TM1 environment to create dynamic subsets and row expansions, but did you know that MDX can also be used to create an entire view of data? TM1’s initial…
August 1, 2017
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
Creating IBM Planning Analytics Workspace Content (Part 2)
This blog is intended to continue and build upon the previous blog How to Create IBM Planning Analytics Workspace Content. In this blog, I will provide an overview on building the remaining content (second and third row of visualizations) in the Dashboard…
August 1, 2016
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
QUBEdocs Streamlines TM1 Documentation
Understanding and documenting existing IBM® Cognos® TM1® models can be a time-consuming process. When making changes to complex models, it is challenging to fully understand the implications of these changes to ensure issues or inaccuracies won’t arise. Having made the changes, documentation…
June 24, 2016
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
Cash Flow Modeling with IBM TM1
As a senior consultant with Revelwood for nearly seven years, I’ve had the opportunity to design and develop a large number of TM1 models for various aspects of budgeting, planning and forecasting. Some client engagements are very straightforward – simply transition the…
March 15, 2016
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
Working with TM1 in the Cloud
This is a guest blog post by Revelwood's Susan Musselman. As a senior consultant with Revelwood, I’ve had the opportunity to work on many different implementations of IBM Cognos TM1. But last year I was able to tackle a very cool project…
January 19, 2016
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
Roundtable Recap: The Most Important Things to Know Before, During and After a TM1 Implementation
One of our clients, Orchard Brands, recently participated in an IBM virtual roundtable, and we thought it would be useful to share our recap of the major themes and notable points that each panelist had to offer. The panel included four different…