IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: Fill Function
Have you ever been in a situation where you need to add extra characters to a string in IBM Planning Analytics? Maybe you need ten characters, but the data source value only has seven characters. You can resolve this situation via the…
December 7, 2021

IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
Questions on Virtual Hierarchies in IBM Planning Analytics
Virtual hierarchies in IBM Planning Analytics are not as well understood as you might suspect. We’ve found that many Planning Analytics users don’t understand what virtual hierarchies are, how to use them, and when to use them. We’re here to answer your…
November 30, 2021

IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: Displaying Percentages on a Planning Analytics Workspace (PAW) Pie Chart
In a recent blog post we discussed pie charts and how you can show data points or percentages in an IBM Planning Analytics Workspace (PAW) pie chart. We also have an IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks video that shows how easy it is…
November 23, 2021

Financial Close & Consolidation
Modern Accounting: Automating the Intercompany Accounting Process
This is a guest blog post from our partner BlackLine, written by Anders Liu-Lindberg and originally published on LinkedIn. Think of a finance and accounting process that only causes frustration and wasted hours without adding any value. Yes, there are quite a few of them, but…
November 18, 2021

IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: PAW Pie Percent or Value?
Pie charts are one of the most common types of data visualizations. A pie chart is defined as a component report, which means that it is design to show part-to whole relationships. This approach makes it easy to get a general sense of…
November 16, 2021

FP&A Done Right: A Complex Approach to Allocations
An allocation is defined as “the action or process of distributing something.” In business terms, this typically entails the movement of costs. Some companies have a rather straightforward approach to allocations. Others need to incorporate a level of complexity to their allocations. A Revelwood…
November 16, 2021

FP&A Done Right: What is Zero-Based Budgeting?
This is a guest blog post from our partner Workday Adaptive Planning on zero-based budgeting, which enables companies to align spending with business goals. Many businesses are shifting into recovery mode after the economic disruption caused by COVID-19. While it’s too soon…
November 12, 2021

Workday Adaptive Planning Insights
What-if Analysis in Workday Adaptive Planning
What-if analysis – or scenario planning – is a critical part of every finance team’s job. It enables the team to model any number of factors – from normal seasonal changes in business to massive disruptions. Workday Adaptive Planning has extremely strong…
November 10, 2021

IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: PAx Writeback Mode
As of version 2.0.68 of IBM Planning Analytics for Excel (PAx), a new toggle was added to the IBM Planning Analytics ribbon that allows users to decide how DBRW formulas are treated when data is entered. Prior to version 2.0.68, this option was…