IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: Popular Posts, Part 1
Revelwood’s IBM Planning Analytics team covers a wide range of topics in their weekly IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks posts. We’ve decided to share some of the most popular posts over the past 12 months. IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks:…
May 16, 2023
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: Run TI Processes from PAx Task Pane
Did you know that you can run TurboIntegrator (TI) processes via the task pane in Planning Analytics for Excel (Pax)? Within the task pane, you can choose to display processes by clicking on the “Show and Hide” button and selecting the option…
May 9, 2023
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: TI Dimension Functions
Have you ever updated a dimension in the Prolog of your TurboIntegrator (TI) script and then received errors when making further changes to the dimension in the Metadata section? This is because certain dimension altering functions such as DIMENSIONELEMENTINSERT are not evaluated…
May 2, 2023
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: Excel Tips, Part 4
Revelwood’s IBM Planning Analytics team has created numerous tips & tricks focused on helping people use Excel. For the past few weeks, we’ve been highlighting some of the most popular and interesting posts on Excel. If you’ve missed our earlier posts, read…
April 25, 2023
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: PAW Users and Groups
Do you know how to manage your users and groups in IBM Planning Analytics Workspace (PAW)? As of version 84, PAW now allows you to edit this information via a single click. To open the users and groups editor, right-click on a…
April 18, 2023
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: Excel Tips, Part 3
Revelwood’s IBM Planning Analytics team has created numerous tips & tricks focused on helping people use Excel. Over the next few weeks, we’ll be highlighting some of the most popular and interesting posts on Excel. If you’ve missed our earlier posts, read…
April 11, 2023
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: UNIQUE Function in Excel
Have you ever needed to produce a list of unique values within a cell range in Excel? If so, the UNIQUE function can do this. The example below shows a simple list of countries that includes some duplicates: To produce a unique…
April 4, 2023
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks: On-Demand Webinars, Part 2
Did you know we have a wide variety of IBM Planning Analytics webinars on-demand? We showcased two of our most popular webinars – Best Practices when Using Planning Analytics Workspace Charts and Creating PAW Charts Using the New Experience – in a…
March 28, 2023
IBM Planning Analytics Tips & Tricks
IBM Planning Analytics Tips and Tricks: Upgrading to Planning Analytics for Excel 2.0.65 or later
As of version IBM Planning Analytics version 2.0.65, you can choose to either launch IBM Planning Analytics for Excel (PAx) as a single session (by double-clicking the .XLL file) or load it as an add-in (and have it available for all Excel…