Each year we bring our team together for our corporate offsite. This year Revelwoodians came from near and far – from the Tri-State area near our New Jersey-based headquarters to the Greater Boston area, the West Coast (specifically, California and Washington), Florida and even Scotland.
Offsite gives us an opportunity to learn, share, bond and have fun with each other. While the content varies year-to-year, the objective of our offsite stays the same – to reinforce our culture and create an environment to work better together.
“On one hand, offsite can be costly,” said Ken Wolf, CEO, Revelwood. “That includes not just direct costs, but the opportunity costs of taking two full billing days out of our monthly cycle. On the other hand – offsite is priceless. It serves as a time to bring together a largely remote organization, get the team away from the day-to-day work, and help them learn, help our clients and get to know each other better. We reinforce our core values, and most importantly, we have fun together.”
This year’s offsite included bringing a guest speaker from Princeton University to share his thoughts on Generative AI (artificial intelligence), the team meeting our new managing director for Europe, Jonathan Dunn and our new director for Latin America, Hector Osuna.
“This was my first offsite,” said Shammah Momplaisir, FP&A consultant, Revelwood. “I really enjoyed it. It was a great balance of meetings, planned activities for bonding, and time to ourselves. One of the fun events was our AMBA (mini-basketball) tournament. I didn’t make it to the playoffs, so I sat with the scorekeepers. To make it even more fun, I decided to serve as the commentator for the tournament. It ramped up the energy – even though it was late at night.”
Mary Luchs, a senior consultant at Revelwood, enjoys the mix of work and fun. “Offsite reminds us to rely on each other,” commented Mary. “The informal aspect of offsite provides some of the most value – you get to talk to and hang out with people you don’t work with on a day-to-day basis. You can carpool to activities with other Revelwoodians you might not know well. It helps to create a sense of team purpose.”
One highlight of the annual meeting is our Core Value Awards ceremony. Our core values are a fundamental part of Revelwood’s culture, and we talk about them every day. Each and every Revelwoodian lives our core values.
Before offsite, our leadership team identified individuals who stood out with respect to our core values. This year’s Core Values Awards ceremony recognized our team members who embody these values. Our Core Values are:
- Be Passionate
- Do the Right Thing
- Take Initiative
- It’s About the Team
- Take Pride in Your Work
- We Care
Some years – such as this year – the leadership team decides to recognize one individual as the Ideal Revelwoodian. This award is not given out every year – it’s for when someone goes far above and beyond expectations. This year we bestowed the award on Dave Miersch, our Workday Adaptive Planning practice leader.
“Our investment in offsite creates magic,” added Ken. “We come out of offsite with a better, smarter, more connected team. They are passionate about helping to make our clients successful, to grow our business, and to help us achieve our goals.”